In 2017 San Antonio officially became a compassionate city, joining more than 450 other cities world-wide who have resolved to follow the Golden Rule - “treat others as you wish to be treated” - in caring for their communities,especially their most vulnerable members. You can read the our City Council Resolution HERE.
Humans need to live together in community. It's an essential system. Collaboration - working together with other people and organizations on a common task - is the most efficient and effective way to move forward, strengthen, and heal community.
Since San Antonio became a Compassionate City, dozens of community collaboratives have formed around their common passions and concerns, to share their strength, take action and meet the community needs.
All the community collaboratives working together hope to reach a community wide, compassionate tipping point. To do so, we absolutely know each and all of us count in our goal to reach 10% of our population. Social science research has shown that this percentage is what is needed to “tip” Greater San Antonio into new ways of thinking, being and doing.
Ten percent of Greater San Antonio is about 200,000 of us. That is our goal. 200,000!
WeCountSA is piloting this effort first with environmental efforts, on Earth Day in April 2023. Then, one by one, other community collaboratives will be added into the WeCount.
Please share WeCount and/or this QR code broadly to your family and friends, your networks and colleagues.